Welcome to the PTA section of our website.
All parents are automatically members of St George’s PTA. We are very fortunate to have a very active PTA who over the years have raised thousands of pounds for the school. The money raised is used to provide the children with extra equipment, activities and resources. Past expenditures have included: computers, refurbishment of the library, coach hire and funding of special events e.g. visiting theatre groups and skipping workshops.
The PTA also organises non-profit making social events for both children and adults which help to engender a greater sense of community amongst those associated with our school. The PTA is always looking out for more helpers, so if you are interested in taking a more active role, please do not hesitate to cont act the school who will give you the relevant details.
Stickins Labels
The PTA highly recommend the Stikins name labels that simply stick in and stay in with no sewing or ironing needed. Save time and with one multipurpose name label for clothes, shoes, lunch boxes and all school items. All orders placed quoting the school reference Number 19516 provide the PTA with commission. Please support us by ordering from the following website: