Dimensions is an exciting curriculum which broadens children's outlook by providing a global perspective on a range of topical issues. We use the Dimensions curriculum because it encourages pupils to think of others and to be educated citizens of the world, as well as their local community.
This document explains the aims of our curriculum:
We have adapted the Dimensions curriculum so that it suits our children and our school. We have carefully planned a two-year rolling programme of cross-curricular units which provide both breadth and depth of learning for children as they progress through the school.
Here is the overview of units studied from EYFS to Upper Key Stage Two:
Running throughout the Dimensions curriculum are four key world issues. Click each icon to find out more and to see how and where these issues are addressed within the curriculum.
Our classes are named after the four age-related phases of the Dimensions Curriculum, called Learning Pathways. Each Learning Pathway has its own designated age-appropriate Learning Traits, which are worked out through the Thematic Units. Each Learning Pathway Trait has related skills are deemed to be ‘soft skills’, as opposed to subject specific skills, and are progressive across the Learning Pathways:- Explorers > Pathfinders > Adventurers > Navigators.
Click on each of the icons to find out more about the Learning Traits and Learning Skills for each class (Pathway):
You can find out more about each of the classes by looking at the class pages under the 'Children' tab on the main menu.
Please find below our curriculum overviews for each of our classes. These are on a two year cycle to accommodate our mixed-age classes.